Water purification information

What’s so good about purified water? Why do we use water purifiers?

Views : 11030
Author : Susan
Update time : 2024-07-19 11:55:56
With the improvement of living standards, more and more people are paying more attention to the quality of life, and health concepts are becoming more and more strengthened, such as healthy drinking water. Therefore, water purification products are rapidly emerging and favored by everyone.

However, while the market is developing rapidly, many consumers lack sufficient understanding of water purification products. Even some consumers who are already using water purification products will inevitably have such questions.

01  Why do we need a water purifier for tap water?

Municipal tap water meets the relevant national rural standards when it leaves the factory. However, during the pipeline process, it may be subject to "secondary pollution" due to aging and untimely cleaning of community water tanks. Therefore, the built-in water valve releases the tap water, which contains water supply It usually exceeds our imagination. Therefore, using water purifiers can better protect our flood safety and health.

02 How does a water purifier purify water?

A water purifier mainly removes impurities through physical filtration. Its biggest function is to remove harmful microorganisms and various impurities that may exist in tap water through multiple filtrations.

After the water purifier is installed and used, the tap water will flow through multiple filter elements such as PP cotton, granular activated carbon, compressed activated carbon, ultrafiltration membrane or reverse osmosis membrane (RO membrane) to filter out impurities in the water from large to small, so that the water quality is effectively purified.

03 Can the water purifier filter out all the impurities in the water?

There are currently two mainstream water purifiers on the market, reverse osmosis machines and ultrafiltration machines. The filtration accuracy of the reverse osmosis machine can reach 0.0001 microns, and the water produced is pure water in the usual sense, which can be drunk directly; while the filtration accuracy of the ultrafiltration machine is slightly lower, but it also has 0.01 microns-0.1 microns, which can filter out most of the impurities in the water.

04 Will the water purifier produce "wastewater" during the water purification process?
RO reverse osmosis water purifiers with higher filtration accuracy will produce "waste water" due to the need to flush the RO membrane under pressure. However, it should be noted that although it is called "waste water", it has been filtered by PP cotton, activated carbon and other filter elements, and its water quality is "cleaner" than the tap water directly released at home. It can be collected and used for other purposes, such as flushing the toilet, mopping the floor, etc., without waste.

05 Which is better, ultrafiltration machine or reverse osmosis machine?

RO reverse osmosis water purifier has higher filtration accuracy and can filter out almost all impurities in the water. The filtered water can be drunk directly. If it is equipped with a pipeline machine, it is convenient and safe.

Ultrafiltration water purifiers cannot filter out small molecular organic matter and heavy metals, but they will not produce "waste water" and can be used for domestic water. The filtered water is best heated before drinking.
When purchasing, it depends on your own situation. Of course, whether it is an ultrafiltration machine or a reverse osmosis machine, the applicable raw water is generally municipal tap water, that is, it is a re-purification of tap water.

06 Is drinking purified water really bad for your health?

Some people say that drinking purified water for a long time lacks minerals and is not good for human health. This statement lacks sufficient scientific basis. Because compared with any kind of food, the minerals that the human body takes in through drinking water are negligible. Eating an apple is equivalent to drinking thousands of bottles of mineral water. Moreover, water in the human body mainly helps the body transport nutrients and excrete "waste". Pure water without impurities has a greater effect. For us, clean water is the most important issue.

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